Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 Plasma screenshots

Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 is a stable snapshot of Arch based GNU/Linux distribution offering latest plasma experience. In addition to the package updates from base distribution, Netrunner 2018.08 provides the Plasma Desktop 5.13.3 and associated components. It also provides seamless integration of Gtk applications in Plasma ecosystem. Let's have a quick tour through different screens of Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 snapshot.
Distribution Name Netrunner Rolling
Version 2018.08
Release date 6th August 2018
Base Arch
Desktop Environment Plasma Desktop
Home page

Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 Plasma Desktop - First impression

About Netrunner Rolling 2018.08 - The Plasma System Information application

Customized application dashboard in Netrunner

In addition to default dashboard, Netrunner provides alternative options for application menu. It can be selected by right clicking on the application menu icon.

A simple application menu alternative

The Dolphin File Manager

Konsole Terminal emulator

Yakuake - An alternative terminal emulator

Multitasking Overview in Netrunner

Mozilla Firefox


MPV - Another alternative media player in Netrunner 2018.08

Yarock Music Player

KSysGuard showing the resource usage on first start

htop utility shows resource usage after using Netrunner for a while

LibreOffice 5 is included in Netrunner 2018.08 snapshot

The System Settings module - Look & feel

The System Settings Module - Recent applications.

Discover Software Manager

Octopi package manager
