Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver screenshots

Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver is the first long term supported release from Ubuntu with GNOME shell as default desktop environment. Instead of providing a vanilla GNOME experience, Ubuntu developers have customized the GNOME shell to retain the desktop experience offered by discontinued unity shell project. In this post, let's take a peek into Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
Distribution Name Ubuntu
Version 18.04
Code name Bionic Beaver
Release date 24th April 2018
Base Debian
Desktop Environment GNOME
Home page http://www.ubuntu.com

First impression of Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver Desktop. The GNOME shell is customized to retain the look & feel of unity shell.

Full screen application menu, the default from GNOME shell

Nautilus file manager. As different from stock nautilus, we can see some shortcuts placed on the left border of nautilus.

GNOME Terminal

A demonstration of GUI based multitasking

Alt + Tab window switching in Ubuntu 18.04

Multitasking Overview is a default feature from GNOME shell

Mozilla Firefox web browser
GNOME Videos (aka totem) showing videos from guardian. We need to install additional plugins and codecs to support common video formats like MP4, MKV, FLV ..etc

Rhythmbox - Live streaming of internet radio

Shotwell image viewer

LibreOffice productivity suite.

GNOME calendar app

GNOME Control Center is the central location to look for all configuration options in Ubuntu 18.04

Background selection

The dock is customized to show on bottom instead of left side. This can be done using dock configuration options available in control center

GNOME system monitor is showing resource usage after using the system for a while

System resource usage just after launching the system.

Ubuntu Software which is nothing but a renamed version of GNOME Software

Software Updater

GNOME Calendar cum notification widget in Ubuntu 18.04

Global system menu

Shutdown confirmation
