Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 screenshots

Screenshots of Ubuntu Kylin 17.04 Zesty Zapus, a community release of Ubuntu for Chinese users. This release of Ubuntu Kylin features a new desktop environment called UKUI (Ubuntu Kylin User Interface), derived from MATE Desktop.
Distribution Name Ubuntu Kylin
Version 17.04 LTS
Code name Zesty Zapus
Release date 13th April 2017
Base Ubuntu
Desktop Environment UKUI (based on MATE)
Ubuntu Kylin User Interface - First impression

UKUI Application Menu

Peony file manager

XTerm (There is no functional terminal application in UK)

Firefox browser

Chromium browser



Libreoffice writer

Rhythmbox music player

Shotwell Image Viewer

MATE Resource Monitor


Background selection

Ubuntu Kylin Software Centre, (A port of  deepin software centre?)

GNOME Software

Leave options

Shutdown confirmation
