Solus GNOME Edition 2017.04.18.0 screenshots

A few screenshots of Solus GNOME Edition 2017.04.18.0 snapshot. Solus GNOME Edition is a new member in Solus operating system family and the purpose of this flavor is to provide best GNOME experience to the desktop users. Instead of providing a highly customized version or vanilla version of GNOME shell, Solus ships a lightly customized GNOME shell. It includes a better theme and some essential extensions.
Distribution Name Solus GNOME Edition
Version 2017.04.18.0
Code name NA
Release date 18th April 2017
Base Solus
Desktop Environment GNOME
Home page

Solus GNOME Edition Desktop - First impression. The dock on left side is provided by dash to dock extension for gnome shell

About Solus GNOME Edition

Modern application menu integrated with GNOME shell

Overview window without any open application

Overview window when there are multiple open applications

Nautilus file manager

GNOME Terminal

Firefox web browser

GNOME MPV - Default media player in Solus GNOME Edition

Rhythmbox Music Player

Libreoffice Writer

Eye of GNOME - Image Viewer application

Solus Software Center

GNOME System Monitor

Watching system resource usage with htop. (htop is installed by default)

System Settings

Background selection. Solus comes with a beautiful collection of wallpapers

Dash to Dock extension preferences

Configuring dash to dock extension. Dock moved to bottom of screen, with custom color and transparency.

Notification cum Calendar widget integrated with GNOME shell

System menu

Shutdown confirmation
