Chapeau 24 screenshots

Distribution Name Chapeau
Version 24
Code name NA
Release date 28th September 2016
Base Fedora
Desktop Environment GNOME
Home page
Packages Linux Kernel 4.7.4, GNOME 3.20.4, VLC 3.0.0dev, OpenShot 2.0.7, Firefox 49.0, GIMP 2.8.18,  Transmission 2.92, GNOME Music ..etc
Chapeau 24 Preview
Chapeau 24 is a Fedora based GNU/Linux distribution released on 28th September 2016. The main motive behind this project is to convert powerful Fedora base to a user friendly operating system which is usable for all kind of users, say, expert linux users or newbies. Towards this goal, Chapeau 24 ships a lot of additional software packages such as VLC, Steam client, WINE, PlayOnLinux ..etc. Also it enables RPMFusion repositories to offer a wide range of packages to the end users without playing much with configurations.
For more information on this release of Chapeau, you can read release announcement published in projects website.

GDM Login Screen

Try or Install ? Option on loading live media

System Details

Nautilus file manager

GNOME Terminal

Multitasking Overview

GNOME Shell Application Listing

Mozilla Firefox Webbrowser

VLC Media Player


LibreOffice productivity suite


Steam Client


OpenShot Video Editor

All Settings

Wallpaper Selection

System Monitor

System Menu

Shutdown confirmation
