Sabayon 16.04 GNOME Screenshots

Distribution Name Sabayon
Version 16.04
Release Date 28th Feb 2016
Base Gentoo
Desktop Environment GNOME
Linux Kernel 4.4.6
Other packages Kodi 16.04, Atom Editor 1.6, VLC Media Player, Google Chrome, LibreOffice ..etc
File Manager in Sabayon
File Manager in Sabayon Linux
Sabayon 16.04 is a modern and easy to use Linux distribution based on Gentoo, following an extreme, yet reliable, rolling release model. This is a monthly release generated, tested and published to mirrors by our build servers containing the latest and greatest collection of software available in the Entropy repositories. - Release announcement
Boot Menu
Boot menu

Sabayon Boot Screen
Sabayon Boot screen

Login Window
Login window

Sabayon GNOME Desktop first impression
Sabayon GNOME Desktop - First impression

Application menu
Sabayon classic application menu

Traditional GNOME 3 Application List
GNOME 3 application list
Multitasking overview
Multitasking overview

Nautilus file manager
Nautilus file manager

GNOME Terminal
GNOME Terminal

System Settings
System Settings

VCL Media Player
VLC Media Player

Rhythmbox Music Player
Rhythmbox Music Player

Kodi Media Center
Kodi Media Center
System Menu
System Menu

Shutdown confirmation
Shutdown confirmation
