PCLinxOS MATE 16.04 Screenshots

Distribution Name PCLinuxOS MATE
Version 16.04 (Rolling)
Base Independent, Initially forked from Mandriva
Desktop Environment MATE (Other variations are available)
Packages MATE 1.14.0, Linux Kernel 4.4.6, LibreOffice, Firefox 45.0.2, VLC Media Player 2.2.2, Clementine 1.3 rc1
Application Menu in PCLinuxOS MATE 16.04

PCLinuxOS MATE is an official flavor of PCLinuxOS which features MATE as default desktop environment. It comes with a great theme a good collection of useful software packages. Synaptic package manager helps users to install additional software packages easily.
Initial configuration menu for selecting boot options
Initial configuration menu to choose between boot options and configure other things

Boot screen
Graphical boot screen

Login Window
Login Window

PCLinuxOS MATE Desktop - First impression
PCLinuxOS MATE Desktop - First impression

Application menu
Application menu

Caja file manager
Caja File Manager
MATE Terminal
MATE Terminal

Synaptic package manager
Synaptic package manager

LibreOffice 5.1
LibreOffice 5 - Office Suite

Mozilla Firefox Web browser
Mozilla Firefox Web browser

VLC Media Player
VLC Media Player

PCLinuxOS Control Center
PCLinuxOS Control Center

Clementine Music Player
Clementine Music Player
Shutdown confirmation
Shutdown confirmation
