Peppermint OS 8 screenshots

Screenshots of Peppermint OS 8, an Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS based GNU/Linux distribution geared towards integration of cloud based application on desktop operating  system.
Distribution Name Peppermint
Version 8
Release date 28th May 2017
Base Ubuntu
Desktop Environment LXDE
Home page
Peppermint OS 8 preview

Peppermint OS 8 Desktop - First impression.

Application menu, can be enabled by hitting super key. It facilitate searching for applications and provides a smoother experience.

Nemo file manager. Despite of having Xfce as core desktop environment, Peppermint OS tends to combine nice component from different desktop environments.

Terminal Emulator (Screenfetch utility is installed for illustration purpose)

Chromium web browser

VLC Media Player

Pixlr Online Photo Editor

Xed text editor

Task manager

Peppermint Settings Panel

Peppermint Control Center

Customizing look & feel

Wallpaper selection

mintinstall software manager.

Synaptic package manager for advanced users

Leaving Peppermint OS 8 session
