Manjaro Budgie 16.06-RC screenshots

Distribution Name Manjaro
Version Budgie 16.06-RC
Code name Daniella
Release date 25th May 2016
Base Arch/Manjaro
Desktop Environment Budgie
Home page
Packages Linux Kernel 4.4.11, GNOME Components 3.20.x, Firefox 46.0.1, Lollypop music player 0.9.107, LibreOffice 5.1.3 ..etc

Manjaro Budgie 16.06-RC preview
Manjaro Budgie 16.06-RC preview
Even though original Budgie Desktop offers a classical desktop with icons, Manjaro Budgie 16.06 comes with a clean desktop, and it is using vanilla Budgie Desktop. Only differences are few additional icons on Budgie panel, custom wall paper and Manjaro Budgie theme named vertex-maia-theme.
Live CD boot menu
Live CD boot menu

Boot screen
Boot screen animation

Login screen
Login window

Manjaro Budgie - First time welcome message
First time welcome message

Manjaro Budgie Desktop
Manjaro Budgie Desktop - First impression

Budgie Application menu
Budgie Application Menu

Nautilus file manager
Nautilus file manager

GNOME Terminal
GNOME Terminal

Mozilla firefox web browser
Mozilla Firefox Web browser

GNOME Vidoes
GNOME Videos

Lollypop music player
Lollypop music player

LibreOffice writer
LibreOffice writer

System Settings
System Settings

Manjaro Settings Manager
Manjaro Settings Manager

Pacmac package manager
Pacmac package manager

Budgie panel options
Budgie panel options

Budgie Settings
Budgie Settings

Power off confirmation
Power off confirmation
